Porcelain Veneers in Milpitas, CA

Porcelain Veneers

If you have teeth that are visible when you smile that aren’t as stunning as the rest of your teeth, it can be hard to focus on anything else. When a single tooth or even a few teeth don’t match the rest of your smile, it can draw the attention of anybody that we talk to, or even prevent us from smiling! If you have ever had a part of your smile that you wanted to hide, you should consider porcelain veneers to get a smile that you want to show off!

Understanding Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin strips of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your tooth or teeth. The porcelain looks and feels just like your natural teeth, so nobody else will have any idea that it isn’t a natural surface. Additionally, the veneers can be used to hide cracked, damaged, or discolored teeth and offer a protective layer against bacteria and infection.

The Process

If you think that you could use veneers, contact our offices today for an appointment. Our professional staff can review your history and give you a thorough exam to make sure they are the best solution to your issues. After review, we will talk with you about your treatment options and develop an appropriate plan for you.

To place veneers, the dentist will first have to remove about 0.5 millimeters of the enamel from the front of your tooth. This is almost exactly the same thickness as the veneer and allows for its placement without feeling like your teeth have become more bulky or cumbersome. Once the surface of the tooth is prepared, an impression of the tooth is made.

The impression is then sent to a lab to create a personalized veneer for you. These take between two and four weeks to be returned from the lab. While you wait, you will be fitted with a temporary veneer. This will look similar to the final product, but won’t fit as perfectly as your permanent veneer.

When you come back to the office, the temporary veneer is removed, and your veneer is installed. This process is usually completed through a series of placing the veneer onto the tooth without gluing it, and then trimming it until our staff is satisfied that we have achieved the correct look and fit. Then, the cement is selected. The cement also gives the veneer the final color, so the veneer matches the color of your existing teeth.

After the veneer is in place and bonded to the tooth, you are finished! You can walk out of the door with a bright and confident smile.

Veneer Benefits

In addition to having a beautiful smile, porcelain veneers offer a series of benefits that may make them the best choice for you.

Veneers are resistant to stains. We find that many of our patients want porcelain veneers because they are tired of getting teeth whitening, only to feel like their teeth become dingy again after that first cup of coffee or glass of wine. Veneers offer the ability to maintain their white shine even when you indulge in the behavior that would stain natural teeth.

They look natural. Porcelain has the appearance of your natural teeth. The shine of the porcelain closely resembles the shine created by your tooth enamel, so you can smile without anybody knowing that you’ve just been to the dentist.

Veneers are not bulky. Removing the portion of the enamel before placing the veneer means that they feel just like your natural teeth. Over time, you may even forget that you have had them!


If you are considering veneers to improve your smile or cover up damaged teeth, contact our offices today! Our friendly staff is eager to make sure you get the smile you want.


We look forward to seeing you!

We promise to listen to your needs and come up with a treatment plan that best fits your desires and goals. Attuned Dental Care is committed to extend and strengthen the life of your teeth and your total dental health.

Business Hours
Tuesday to Saturday:
​​​​​​​9am to 6pm

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